Alpha 50

Alpha 50
The newest fleet member is an alpha yacht by name and by nature
The 50-footer, known as the Alpha 50, is set to dominate its category by offering exceptional speed, style, and seakeeping.
The sleek, aerodynamic vessel is characterized by a semi-straight, wave-piercing bow and a deep-V Dynastream hull with ventilated steps that together ensure excellent handling even in rough weather conditions.
The streamlined dayboat is also super efficient, consuming the same amount of fuel as Technohull’s smaller models.
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Lenght: 49.04″ (49.57″ inboard)
Width: 15.48″
Hull: DEEPV with ventilated steps
Displacement: approx. 15,432 lbs (incl. engines)
Fuel capacity: 475 gal
Water capacity: 52 gal
Berths: 2+2
Max engines: 5x500HP
Engine options: Outboard/Inboard
Passangers: 16
Design category: B-Offshore